
Kite-Surf World Tour Dakhla – Day Two – Single Eliminations

Published 26th April 2018 by Danny


26th April 2018: Dakhla, Morocco
Report: Matt Pearce / Photos: Ydwer van der Heide


GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination Finalists

The Single Elimination finalists at the end of a long day of competition / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

The single eliminations fired into action at the start of Wednesday and the event crew stormed all the way through to the finals of this first stage of competition. Nine-and-a half hours later the single elimination results were in!

The wind forecast looks good, but the waves may drop off in the coming days, so at least there’s a result in the bag should things deteriorate in the week.

If you’re unfamiliar with this format, the riders will now go into another round, the double elimination, where they will compete in order of their placings in the single elimination. So the winner of the singles is already in the final, the runner-up is already in the semis, and so on. It’s a second chance for a rider to become a hero and charge up the ladder.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Tony Cili

Tony Cili gearing up before round one / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

Wednesday’s single elimination heats were to be judged on a split criteria of 70% wave riding and 30% strapless freestyle and the menโ€™s division were up first for round one.

The majority of male riders whoโ€™d entered the event with no 2018 tour seeding (or a low one) had been awarded โ€˜byesโ€™ so they would be progressing straight to round two where theyโ€™d meet seeded riders whoโ€™d competed at the first event of the season in Cape Verde. That was where things would start to get interesting.



GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Pedro Matos

Pedro Matos – all out from the off / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

Pedro Matos and his North teammates Sebastian Ribeiro and Matchu Lopes were putting in standout performances straight off the bat in round two with Pedro and Sebastian churning out powered, choppy assaults on the lip and seeking out point scoring opportunities in the shore break close to the main beach. Matchu was also making excellent wave selections and showing that, even backside in smaller waves, heโ€™s a force to be reckoned with.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Matchu Lopes

Matchu going off the top and eyeing the competition / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

Airton then entered the fray and he opened with a huge new trick that hasnโ€™t yet been seen in competition – a massive strapless backroll with a board-off board spin. Not his usual low angle technical stylings, but it shows that heโ€™s opening up his repertoire this year which will make him even harder to beat in strapless freestyle showdowns!

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Airton Cozzolino

Airton Airs / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide


The waves were a bit sporadic in some round two heats but things improved in round three and this was where big names would start to leave the competition. Airton kept up his seemingly relentless assault and Paulino Pereira rose to the challenging, punchy conditions with his high-octane, full-tilt riding style.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Paulino Pereira

Paulino pulls out all the stops in round three / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

Young Aussie ripper James Carew also rode with his customary levels of commitment and managed to snap his board mid heat before Matchu sprinted down the beach to hand him a spare and get him back in the fight. #teamwork.

Strapless freestyle ability was what carried a few of the riders at this point during lulls in the waves but there were still solid sets coming through and Keahi, whoโ€™d had a slightly slower start than expected, began to gather speed with his eyes set on a Single Elimination final (he is after-all a four-time champion here in Dakhla).

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Keahi de Aboitiz

Keahi finds his heat in round three / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide


Next came a break from the menโ€™s division and the action moved to the point at Oum Lamboiur where round one of the womenโ€™s division would begin. Ines Correia was a standout rider in that round, her wave selection was super-strong and she was linking up solid turns even on the best sets of the round. She continued her form in round two and booked her place in the semis against tour leader Moona Whyte. Carla Herrera Oria and Jalou Langeree would go on to claim the remaining semi-final spots.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Ines Correia

Ines knows a thing or two about right-handers and brought that to bear in round one / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide


The womenโ€™s and the menโ€™s semi-finals ran back to back in shifty conditions as the swell began to back off and the wind softened. Riders were out on bigger kites by this stage and Jalou Langeree showed just how far sheโ€™s improved her backhand riding by beating Carla to claim a place in the super-final against Moona Whyte. This meant Carla would face Ines in the mini-final.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Carla Herrera OriaGKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Carla Herrera Oria

Carla stays calm and collected before hitting the water for the first time here in Dakhlaย / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Jalou Langeree

Jalou flies down the line / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

In the menโ€™s, Keahi narrowly beat Mitu in the first semis heat before having to do it all over again after the judges decided to rerun the heat due to a technical error. Matchu and Airton then met in yet ANOTHER crucial heat (how many times have they done this now?) and what followed was a masterclass of how to perform in lesser conditions.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Keahi de Aboitiz

Waist height wonderment from Keahi / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

These guys routinely ride the best waves in the world, but sometimes an even bigger test is what you can achieve in smaller, less-ideal conditions and this was where these guys shone. Neither rider gave the other a sniff, but Airton managed to beat his old friend Matchu and would meet Keahi in the finals, while Mitu and Matchu would battle it out for third place.


In the menโ€™s, Airton kept up the charge in a supremely tight heat against Keahi as these two seasoned competitors eeked all they could out of the faltering wind and waves.

Matchu and Mituโ€™s third-place heat was similarly close, and any one of these riders would be justified a podium. Mitu won it and joined Airton and Keahi on the steps at the end of play.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Men's Podium

Men’s podium – 1: Airton, 2: Keahi, 3: Mitu, 4: Matchu / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

In the womenโ€™s final, Jalou Langeree rode strongly and snatched the top spot from Moonaโ€™s grasp. Jalouโ€™s one of the few girls who has been working on her strapless freestyle riding as well and that no doubt added to her final score with Moona second, Ines in third and Carla in fourth.

GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Women's Podium

Women’s podium – 1: Jalou, 2: Moona, 3: Ines, 4: Carla / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide



1: Airton Cozzolino (ITA / CV)

2: Keahi de Aboitiz (AUS)

3: Mitu Monteiro (CV)

4: Matchu Lopes (ESP / CV)

5: Ismail Adarzane (MAR)


1: Jalou Langeree (NL)

2: Moona Whyte (USA)

3: Ines Correia (PT)

4: Carla Herrera Oria (ESP)

5: Kirsty Jones (UK)


GKA Dakhla Day Two - Single Elimination - Mitu Monteiro

Mitu smashing the shorie in round two / Photo: Ydwer van der Heide

So thatโ€™s the Single Eliminations in the bag, and that means that thereโ€™s now a fallback official result for this event no matter what the conditions bring this week. However, that doesnโ€™t mean the main event is over yet by any means, and with the double-eliminations yet to run, all the riders will have another chance to take a crack at the podium here in Dakhla!

The wind looks strong but more shifty for Thursday, but weโ€™ll be keeping you updated on social media (Facebook / Instagram) as the day unfolds.


If you’re not sure how the tour tables look right now then check out the top fives below and head to our site for theย full GKA Kite-Surf World Tour 2018 rankings.


1: Airton Cozzolino – CV – 2100 pts
2: Keahi de Aboitiz – AUS – 2067 pts
3: Sebastian Ribeiro – BRA – 2034 pts
4: Pedro Matos – BRA – 2001 pts
5: Elvis Nunes – CV – 1968 pts


1: Moona Whyte – USA – 2100 pts
2: Jalou Langeree – NL – 2067 pts
3: Ines Correia – PT – 2034 pts
4: Marie Gautron – FRA – 2001 pts
5: Carla Herrera Oria – ESP – 1968 pts



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